CrossFit Classes


Group classes run 1 hour in length. Classes start with individual focus work in an organized warm-up followed by workout expectations and exercise explanations prior to starting the WOD. Workouts are scaled to each individuals abilities, strengths and limitations with a trainer monitoring safety and range of motion throughout the entire workout.

*prior to joining classes you must complete 2 fundamental assessments or have CrossFit experience from another CrossFit affiliate.


These instructor led 1 hour classes are designed to get you into fantastic shape teaching you proper body mechanics in a variety of movements teaching you coordination, balance, stamina, agility, strength, and endurance. Perfect for first timers. No barbells, heavy weights, high skilled movements, or fundamentals required. You choose your intensity. Accountability, Fitness and Nutrition.

Apex Youth (Grades 3 - 8)

This is a fitness program where kids are taught how to move their bodies the way they were made to move in order to support their everyday lives in an encouraging, supportive atmosphere. Kids will move their own bodies as well as external objects and learn how to do so safely and properly with a trainer monitoring throughout the entire workout. CrossFit is unique in that it is completely scalable for all ages and abilities and teaches each individual how to improve their own strengths and weaknesses. Classes run approximately 1 hour in length.

*prior to joining class you must complete 1 fundamental assessment

Apex Specialty Classes


The Apex Barbell Club (ABC) is a USA Weightlifting sanctioned club at CrossFit Apex. The club provides an opportunity for athletes to focus on improving their technique and strength of the Olympic lifts, specifically, the Snatch, Clean & Jerk, and their variations. The ABC is for any individual that would like to focus on weightlifting as a part of their training while greatly improving their strength and lean muscle mass. Keith Bussom, USA Weightlifting Coach, will be coaching all sessions and writing the programming for ABC athletes. The training program will follow 7-week cycles. Athletes must join the 7-week cycle from the start- no late entries allowed. Each week, 3 workouts will be programmed. Typical training days will run for approximately 1 hour in length and involve 3-4 lifts.

This class is open to all members and the public. All ability, fitness and experience levels are welcome, but the class will be capped between 10-15 athletes.

Athletes will learn the movements in detail, incorporate drills for each lift, and giving an opportunity to analyze their technique on video to help get a better sense of what’s going right, what’s going wrong and how their mechanics can be improved to maximize their lifts.


This lifting course is designed to build strength in the most Functional movements of Crossfit: The Deadlift, The Squat (back and front), and Pressing (jerk). Each class will have a main focus where technique and form are emphasized throughout skills and drills by giving each individual athlete cues specific to their needs. Accessory tasks will also be programmed daily/weekly as supplemental skills and drills that can be incorporated before or after regular group classes or can be completed once our current Apex Strength lifting session is complete. Classes run approximately 60-90 minutes. Josh Wagner, Power lifting Certified Coach, will be coaching all sessions and writing the programming for Apex Strength athletes.

Athletes are encouraged to come to these classes already knowing their 1 RM Back Squat and Front Squat, 1 RM Jerk and 3 RM Deadlift. ( There is no requirement needed if you are a newer athlete and do not feel comfortable find a 1 RM on your own. We will use a number that you may have used in a group class wod )

Also note: these classes are implemented not in place of but in conjunction with our daily programmed Apex Wods. We want to continue to adding strength to our lifts. In addition to daily wods we feel that Apex athletes can see larger gains in their overall fitness and max lifts by adding more strength to some of these basic power lifts.


The session will include an individual gait analysis, running drills to improve technique, mobility geared to enhance performance and running Endurance WODs (intervals, tempo runs, tabata, on the minute, and time trials). Traditional endurance training has always put an emphasis on volume calling for high miles with little to no focus on intensity and technique. This old school protocol leads to many types of injuries, over training and a plateau in performance. It’s like trying to improve your snatch by repeating it 500 times at low intensity with zero regard to form. With the CFE training method, standard Crossfit principles are applied by putting technique first, intensity second, and volume last. This provides a safer and more effective way to substantially increase speed, power, vo2 max, and lactate threshold. It’s also a lot more fun! Todd Pollock, CrossFit Endurance Certified Coach, will be coaching all sessions and writing the programming for endurance athletes.


Available in the summer.